El Fedivers i la meva recomanació sobre l'aportació de continguts a les xarxes socials En aquests darrers dies, coincidint amb la victòria de Donald Trump a les eleccions dels EUA i la seva posterior presa de possessió a la presidència, hi ...
Permanent Hair Colour At Home Permanent Hair Colour At Home. Darker hair, and even dark blondes will usually end up with a more orange blonde using a blonde box color, says papanikolas....
It has been a while GNUCITIZEN is 12 years old more or less. Can you believe it? I am still trying to process the information and while it saddens me a little that we left t...
This site is going to go read-only This site was born in late September 2004, and has now reached 13 years of age and that seems to be a fitting time to stop.
Cambio de domicilio Hello World! Este blog se traslada a http://mercemolist.net
Blog moved We're happy to announce our website redesign with which we also want to improve the information we provide and keep users up to date with our new developme...
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